Human-Computer Interaction
About 介紹
Hello, I am Dr. Wong (Kelvinkit), a cross-disciplinary practitioner navigating between digital creation and academic research. Currently, I serve as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Digital Innovation and Technology at the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi), where I also lead the Bachelor Degree in Multimedia Technology and Innovation Program, dedicated to nurturing the next generation of creative talents.
As a Doctor of Design Science, I specialize in integrating systematic research thinking into the field of multimedia design, with a focus on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) design. In recent years, I have been exploring cutting-edge topics such as game design, game development, and interactive design. My academic achievements have been published in international journals such as SCI and SSCI, and I serve as a professional member of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ).
In the classroom, I advocate for a dual-track approach of "theory as the anchor, practice as the sail," guiding students from conceptualization to technical implementation. This has resulted in the completion of numerous cross-media projects, with student works validating the effectiveness of my teaching methods. My course design emphasizes the Human-Computer Interaction Design principles.
Maintaining strong industry connections, I excel at transforming academic insights into innovative solutions. Recently, I have been particularly focused on the technological advancements and societal impacts of AAA game design.
As an educator and creator, I firmly believe that the best design lies at the intersection of technology and humanity. I look forward to engaging in dialogue through this platform, whether for academic exchange, industry-academia collaboration, or creative brainstorming. Together, let us explore the boundless possibilities of the digital era.
您好,我是Dr Wong (Kelvinkit) 黃博士,一位遊走於數位創作與學術研究之間的跨領域實踐者。目前擔任香港高科院THEi多媒體設計系助理教授,同時身兼創多媒體課程主理人,致力於培育新世代創意人才。身為設計科學博士,我擅長將系統性研究思維注入多媒體設計領域,專注於人機互動設計 HCI 等研究,近年持續探索遊戲設計,遊戲開發,互動設計等前沿議題。學術成果發表於SCI & SSCI 等國際平台,並擔任香港學術及職業資歷評審局[評審局] 專業人員 。
Dr. Wong Ying Kit, PhD
Kelvin Kit
Research 研究 / Class 課程
Biography 履歷
& Design Awards 獎項
Dr. Wong Ying Kit, , PhD
Kelvin Kit
Assistant Professor 助理教授
BSc 理學士, MDes 設計碩士, PhD 哲學博士
Department of Digital Innovation and Technology 數碼創新及科技部
Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong 香港高科院

Dr. Wong is a distinguished professional in the fields of computer and design, with a diverse educational background that spans multiple disciplines and countries. He graduated from Boston University in 2003, earning a Bachelor of Science in Computer System Engineering, alongside a Business Management Certificate in the same year. After completing his studies, Dr. Wong returned to Hong Kong, where he gained practical experience in the tech industry.
Driven by a passion for creativity, he pursued further education in design, earning a Diploma in Graphic Design from the Art & Design Association in Hong Kong. His academic journey continued as he relocated to Taiwan, where he completed a Master of Design at Tatung University in 2018. His dedication to research and innovation culminated in a PhD from Tatung University in 2022, where he focused on the intersection of technology and design.
出於對創意的熱情,他繼續深造,並在香港藝術設計協會獲得平面設計文憑。他的學術旅程在移居台灣後繼續,於2018年在大同大學完成設計碩士學位。他對研究和創新的奉獻達到頂峰並於 2022年獲得大同大學的哲學博士學位,專注於科技與設計的交集。
Today, Dr. Wong is recognized for his contributions to both academia and industry, blending his technical expertise with a strong foundation in design principles. His work continues to inspire future generations in the fields of technology and design.
Educational Background 學術背景:
1. Doctor of Philosophy PhD - (Design Science) @Tatung University, Taiwan | 博士 (設計科學系) @台灣大同大學
2. Master Degree - (Industrial Design) @Tatung University, Taiwan | 碩士 (工業設計系) @台灣大同大學
3. Bachelor Degree - (Computer Engineering) @Boston University, USA | 學士 (電腦工程系) @美國波士頓大學
4. Diploma - (Graphic Design) @Art & Design Association, Hong Kong | 文憑 (平面設計系) @香港藝術設計學院
5. Certificate - (Business Management) @Boston University, USA | 證書 (商業管理系) @美國波士頓大學
Professional Membership 專業會員:
1. Chinese Institute of Design (Member)| 台灣設計學會 (會員)
2. Ergonomics Society of Taiwan (Member)| 台灣人因工程學會 (會員)
3. Hong Kong Art & Design Association (Member)| 香港藝術及設計學會 (會員)
4. IEEE Membership | 美國電機電子工程師學會 (會員)
Awards 獎項:
1. Hong Kong Toy Design Competition, Winner (2014) | 冠軍 - 香港我的玩具設計比賽
2. Hong Kong Entrepreneur Competition, Winner (2015) | 冠軍 - 香港青年議會創業(設計)比賽
3. Taiwan Golden Pin Concept Award, Semi-Final Nomination (2016) | 入圍作品- 台灣金點設計奬(複決賽)
4. Universiade 2017, TW, Logo Design Competition, Nomination (2017) | 入圍獎 - 世界大學生運動會(標誌設計)
Career and Work status 工作及事業進度 :
The Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ)
HKCAAVQ Specialist
評審局專家 - 香港學術及職業資歷評審局(評審局), 香港
Assistant Professor (BSc (Hon) Degree of Multimedia Technology and Innovation )
VTC - THEi - Technology Higher Education Institute, Hong Kong
助理教授/ (創新及多媒體學士學位)主任 - 高科院, 香港
Research and International Publication : Study on Game Design (HCI)
研究及國際期刊論文發表 : 遊戲設計研究
Research and International Publication : Study on Affordance on Smart Home IOT Device (HCI)
研究及期刊論文發表 : 數位音箱及物聯網產品的預設用途
Assistant Lecturer - VTC - Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE)
副講師 - 香港專業教育學院
Research and International Publication : Study on Puzzle Game Design
研究及國際期刊論文發表 : 拼圖遊戲的設計
Research and International Conference : Study on Game Design
研究及國際研討會發表 : 遊戲設計
Teaching Assistant - Tatung University, Taiwan
大學助教 -台灣大同大學
Research and Conference : Study on Game Design
研究及研討會發表 : 遊戲設計
TRICK OR TREE game project - Crowdfunding Project on Kickstarter & Indiegogo
平衡樹遊戲群眾募資項目 - 在Kickstarter/ Indiegogo 開始募資及銷售
STEM / STEAM Education Project - Lecturer
STEM / STEAM 教育項目課程 - 講師
Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions School - Graphic Design Lecturer
工聯會業餘進修中心 (香港) - 平面設計: 講師
WWF (World Wide Fund of Nature) - Graphic Designer & Photographer (Volunteer)
世界自然基金會 (香港) - 平面設計師及攝影師(義工 )
Awards and Photos Sharing 得獎作品及圖片分享 :

Media 媒體訪問/報導
My products and design awards were reported by the TV channel, Radio station, newspapers and magazines.
我的設計產品及得獎都有不同媒體報導, 有電視台訪問,電台訪問,多份報章及雜誌的報導。
Interviews from Media and Radio
Interviews from Media and Radio
Kelvinkit - Trick or Tree - Interview

Kelvinkit Radio interview

Kelvinkit Design - 青年議會創業比賽 - 冠軍 2015 黃英傑