Research Paper and Conference
期刊論文 Refereed Journal Paper
1) Wong, Y. K., Wu, C. F., & Tu, Y. H. (2022). Effectiveness of a Serious Game Design and Game Mechanic Factors for Attention and Executive Function Improvement in the Elderly: A Pretest-Posttest Study. Applied Sciences, 12(14), 6923.
2) Wu, C. F., Wong, Y. K., Hsu, H. H., & Huang, C. Y. (2022). Applying Affordance Factor Analysis for Smart Home Speakers in Different Age Groups: A Case Study Approach. Sustainability, 14(4), 2156.
3) Wong, Y. K., & Tu, Y. H. (2021). A Study of Favorability of Puzzle Game Design for Older People. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 12(1).
國際研討會論文 International Conference Paper
1) Ying-Kit Wong, Yung-Hsiang Tu,"A Study of Favorability of Puzzle Game Design for Older People",ICIKM 2020 9th International Conference on Innovation, Knowledge, and Management (Singapore), 2020
區域研討會論文 Domestic Conference Paper
1) Chang hao yen, Ying-Kit Wong, Chih-Fu Wu , A Study on the Effect of Elderly in Attention and Executive Function Based on a Serious Game Design 2023 Chinese Institute of Design 24th Conference on Academic Research Results(Taiwan) (May 2023)
2) Ying-Kit Wong, Chih-Fu Wu , Cheng-Yu Huang , “A Study on the Affordance of AI Smart Speakers Design in Different Users With and Without User Experience”, 2020 8th Conference on Innovation Practices and Case Studies (Taiwan) (Oct 2020)
3) Ying-Kit Wong, Yung-Hsiang Tu, “A Study of Favorability of Puzzle Game Design for Older People”, ICIKM 2020 9th International Conference on Innovation, Knowledge, and Management (Singapore) (July 2020)
4) Ying-Kit Wong, Yung-Hsiang Tu, “Research on puzzle toy product design for old people”, 2019 Chinese Institute of Design 24th Conference on Academic Research Results(Taiwan) (May 2019)
5) Ying-Kit Wong, Yung-Hsiang Tu, “Research on Toy Design of Elderly People”, 2017 Conference on Kansel Engineering (Taiwan) (Nov 2017)
專書 Book
1) Wong, Y. K. (2022), A Study on the Effect of Elderly with Different Cognitive Ability in Attention and Executive Function Based on a Serious Game Design, Doctoral Degree Thesis (Book), Tatung University.
2) Wong, Y. K. (2018), Research on toy design for elderly, Master Degree Thesis (Book), Tatung University.
Design Class

Design Thinking Class is available for you and a group. Children, Adults and Seniors need to learn design thinking for their creativity and innovation. Organisations and Businesses employees need to learn design thinking for their team work and problem solving skills.

STEAM fields are the areas of science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics. These programs aim to teach students innovation, to think critically and use engineering or technology in imaginative designs or creative approaches to real-world problems framed in social studies. STEAM programs add art to STEM curriculum by drawing on reasoning, ethics and design principles and encouraging creative solutions, effectively removing the meaning of the STEM distinction as the term now includes nearly all academic fields.
STEAM領域是科學,技術,工程,藝術和數學領域。 這些計劃旨在教導學生創新,批判性思維,並以富有想像力的設計或創造性方法使用工程或技術來解決社會研究中遇到的現實問題。 STEAM程序利用推理,道德和設計原則並鼓勵創造性的解決方案,在STEM課程中增添了藝術氣息,有效地消除了STEM區別的含義,因為該術語現已涵蓋幾乎所有學術領域。

Toy & Game Design Class is very popular for different ages. Students can learn the idea and knowledge of making their own toy & game, they will also DIY making a final product (Board Game) for each class.
"玩具及遊戲設計課程" 是非常受歡迎的課程,適合男女老少。學生能夠學到玩具及遊戲設計的方法,以及學生都要在課堂上DIY自己動手去做一套"桌遊",是理論與實踐的課程。

SCRATCH is a famous and popular software for coding training. In this training, student can know the simple coding and programming by puzzling the code and solve the problems. Its fun and entertaining, many students without coding experience can play and train with this in this SCRATCH class.
SCRATCH 是著名且流行的編碼培訓軟件。 在本次培訓中,學員通過對代碼的猜謎和解題,了解簡單的編碼和編程。 這課程非常有樂趣和娛樂性,許多沒有編碼經驗的學生可以在這個 SCRATCH 課程中玩和訓練。
DIY 桌遊設計課程 (Toy and Game Design Class)
第一部分: 同理 - 了解桌遊使用者的需求及興趣
第二部分: 定義 - 找出此桌遊之目的及意義
第三部分: 發想 - 開始發想桌遊內容、設計、玩法、規則
第四部分: 實作 - 動手實作桌遊,繪圖、寫字、說明書
第五部分: 測試/發表 - 進行測試及調整,及最後桌遊發表
(Design Thinking Class)
第一部分: 同理 - 了解商品/商業使用者的需求及興趣
第二部分: 定義 - 找出此商品/商業之目的及意義
第三部分: 發想 - 開始發想商品/商業內容、設計、玩法、規則
第四部分: 實作 - 動手實作商品/商業,繪圖、寫字、說明書
第五部分: 測試/發表 - 進行測試及調整,及最後商品/商業發表
University Design Class
Academic Experience 大學/高校教學經驗
(Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Hong Kong)
(Tatung University, Taiwan)
2023-now(Assistant Professor)
- Bachelor Degree in Multimedia Technology & Innovation (THEi)
2022/03 (Assistant Lecturer)
- High Diploma in Multimedia / Game and Animation - Final Year Project, Information Technology Application, Foundation Mathematics 1 & 2, Computer Game & Animation Design (VTC - IVE)
2021/22 (Assistant Lecturer)
- High Diploma in Multimedia / Game and Animation - Final Year Project,Computer Animation Pre-Production, Information Technology Essentials-Multimedia(VTC - IVE)
2020/21 (Teaching Assistant)
- Bachelor Degree in Multimedia Design / Industrial Design - Computer Programming Design, Foundation of Interior Design (TTU)
2019/20 (Teaching Assistant)
- Bachelor Degree in Multimedia Design / Industrial Design -Product Design and Development, Industrial Product Design (TTU)
2018/19 (Teaching Assistant)
- Bachelor Degree in Multimedia Design / Industrial Design -Final Year Project, Design with Ergonomics (TTU)
2012-18 (Teacher)
- Design Thinking, STEAM, Toy & Game Design, English (Design/English School)